In my experience, many Academy Sports + Outdoors stores open around 8:00 AM or 9:00 AM on Sundays. However, this can vary by location, so it’s always best to confirm using the store locator.
Find the opening time for Academy Sports + Outdoors on Sunday:
- Use the Academy Store Locator: The most reliable way to find this information is to use the official store locator on the Academy Sports + Outdoors website:
- Go to
- Click on the “Store Locator” link (usually in the header or footer).
- Enter your city, state, or zip code.
- Select your nearest store from the results.
- View the store’s hours of operation, which will show the opening time for Sunday.
Why it’s important to check:
- Location-specific hours: Store hours can differ based on location, especially for Sundays.
- Seasonal changes: Stores might have adjusted hours during holidays or special events.